Ankoay (Lalie Andriamazava)

(Nalaina tao amin'ny
Dry wind and burning sun
Were all he could feel on his skin
All he could see before his eyes
Were endless dunes and hills
Destnation is unknown
He doesn’t care for the future
Only two shadows were drawn
In this bright and blinding picture
Cause high in the sky
A sacred bird is his only guide
Sweetening the hurt
With spread out wings and royal flight
Oh Eagle, guide him over his despair
Oh Eagle, let him find a home in your desert
He lays alone on the sand
When the cold night falls
He closes his eyes but he knows
The sleep won’t come
He stares at sparking stars
Doesn’t even pray
But somehow his doesn’t know why
He’ll get through another day
Cause high in he sky
His only friend will help him
The king of bird
Is lending him precious sacred dreams
Oh Eagle, untill he finds the faith again
Oh Eagle, won’t you ease this human pain
But if he doesn’t choose the way
To find the hope again someday
If his wounds will hurt so deep
I’m asking you for his soul to keep
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About this song
Artist : Lalie Andriamazava
Hits : 2787
Likes : 1 Like
Created by : Hasimbola
Date : 22/04/2003 10:51
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