No one like you (Joseph d'Af)

(Nalaina tao amin'ny
I won’t forget what You have done
I will sing for You alone
On the cross, You died for me
By your blood, You set me free
Esther: …………………………………
Joseph: You are my song
Esther: You are my song
Joseph & Esther:
The melodies of my heart
The One I love and who loves me
Lover of my soul
You are the best and I love You
Jesus I belong to You
I feel so lonely without You
I am so strong with You
I shu na oay ni ao Ay ni
Yeso wa tsen tsou uni
Tawa ma me ao ni kan tan ku tsee
Tan tsu ao kan ie el chan lee
Esther :…………………..
Joseph :
You are the way, truth and life
Joseph & Esther:
You’re the living Son of God
We put our trust in You
You’re so true
No one else like You
Savior of the world
Forever we’ll proclaim
Esther: You are my song
Joseph: You are my song
Joseph & Esther:
And melodies of my heart
The One I love and who loves me
Lover of my soul
You are the best and I love You
Jesus I belong to You
I feel so lonely without You
I am so strong with You
I shu na oay ni ao Ay ni
Yeso wa tsen tsou uni
Tawa ma me ao ni kan tan ku tsee
Tan tsu ao kan ie el chan lee
Joseph : Jesus
Esther : Jesus
Joseph & Esther :
Jesus, no one like You
Lover of my soul
Yeah yeah
You are the best and I love You
Jesus I belong to You
I feel so lonely without You
I am so strong with You
I shu na oay ni ao Ay ni
Yeso wa tsen tsou uni
Tawa ma me ao ni kan tan ku tsee
Tan tsu ao kan ie el chan lee
Esther: Humh humh humh yeah
Jesus: humh humh humh humh
Joseph: Jesus I belong to You
Esther: Jesus I belong
Joseph & Esther: There is no one like You
fitahianarayah1 ( 13/07/2018 19:38)
tsara be le hira f le toninkira misy ts ampy
tsanta07 ( 14/07/2018 11:24)
msaotr oh,aiz kai no mis ts amp azafad
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A propos
Artiste : Joseph d'Af
Visites : 6013
Préférés : 3 J'aime
Ajouté par : deraxchanteur
Date : 19/06/2018 11:44

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