Blue (Groupe Tija )

(Nalaina tao amin'ny
Sunset, the night is new
But why I'm feeling so oddly blue
Is it about my love?
Or the stars fall way above?
Someday, they disappear
Even now they are bright like a chandelier
Looking up the sky
And I don't know why
Feeling oh so blue

The red sky turning blue
While I stand here and think of you
Troubles we have faced
Something we misplaced
Maybe, I feel insecure
Said your love's forever, but I am not sure
Looking up the sky
And I don't know why
Feeling oh so blue
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A propos
Artiste : Groupe Tija
Visites : 1929
Préférés : 0 J'aime
Ajouté par : raozigasy
Date : 12/04/2013 04:30

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