Heart breaker (Bodo)

(Nalaina tao amin'ny tononkira.serasera.org)
Promesses you give
Sweet words you talk
It’s not about here, dear swaker man
Many girls you met out in town
Many girls you slept with
Go all unhealed, reading injure

You’ve got a woman and you say you’ven’t got it
You’re a married man and you say that ain’t true
You are a heart breaker baby
You think love is like a ware to sell
You said you need a better looking woman
You are a heart breaker baby

If you don’t have nothing to do don"t do here
Cos I dont like such an ugly behavior
You are not the type of my man
I think you do understand so get away, I’m sorry
Nothing’s gonna wanna be all right

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A propos
Artiste : Bodo
Visites : 4765
Préférés : 1 J'aime
Ajouté par : ari.malala
Date : 22/01/2007 13:32

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