Tia be (Fanatik)

(Nalaina tao amin'ny tononkira.serasera.org)
Ho sambatra aho raha ho tianao
yeah !yeah ! yeah! yeah !

Tsy rarahinao mihitsy ho no izy
Nefa tia, tia tena tia be
Tsy asianao sira mihitsy hono izy
Nefa tara potika be

Tomany foana
Taraina foana
Dia midelira e
Tsy asianao sira
Toa tsy misaina
Ianao no ao an-tsaina
Ny anaranao e
Lay sarinao

Tsia ve sa eny e
Ilay valin-teny e
Tsy asinao kozy
Tsy asinao teny
Tsia ve sa eny e
Lay valin-teny
F’izy tena tia
Tia tena tia

Tsy iasanao saina mihitsy hono izy
Tsy valinao ilay taratasy
Tsy vakinao loha
Ekenao sa tsia ve
Ilay fitia e
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About this song
Artist : Fanatik
Hits : 3369
Likes : 0 Like
Created by : admin
Date : 07/09/2003 15:39
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