Alio (RAZIA)

(Nalaina tao amin'ny
She’s lost in the heat of the Sahara
Under the shadow of the sun
The road goes on and on
she can’t forget her past
she clutches at a blanket
Filled with everything she owns
Her mind drifts slowly back
To a distant melody

alio alio
You know that life is a wonder
Alio you never know
The way it goes

The world spins and turns
Under the clouds of her soul
Cold sweat rolls down her skin
And steals away her strength
Where is the light of the world
In this city carved in stone
Where is that distant voice
That shows her where to go
That’s the way that’s the way
That’s the way it goes
Alio alio that’s the way it goes
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About this song
Artist : RAZIA
Hits : 2496
Likes : 0 Like
Created by : cutie
Date : 02/12/2006 01:08
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